Dreams, I love this word. This word has such a deep meaning behind it. For some its a gateway to the past and a gateway to the future. Dreams sometimes take us to places we have never been or don't remember being too, it is a beautiful phenomenon.
Now you may be wondering, why is a page that is meant for learning about 'adulting' talking about dreams. Well, to put an ease to your curiosity, the answer is to remind you that it is okay to dream impractical things, things that might never happen, and now the next question that you might have just asked to me in your mind, we already do that, what is there to tell? The thing is even though we often find ourselves dream the impractical we shrug it off and we start cursing ourselves for daydreaming. We beat ourselves for having a dream that may be impractical but brings a smile on our faces, gives us joy, helps us to have a good mood.
Yes, I know, after we snap back to reality is hurts, it sucks to see that we are not able to touch that dream, but let's face it, as adults, most of our life sucks anyways so why not treat our selves with some happy thoughts, because after snapping back to realty life will still stay the same, but at least you will have a positive mindset.
Warning - Don't do it while you work, it has some serious consequences. Do only when you have a day-off or after a movie or when you are feeling low.
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