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How to improve your confidence in yourself?

Confidence, some people just ooze with confidence, and some people look like they could use some. If you are one of those people who could use some, you have come to the right place. Before I go ahead with the pointers on improving confidence within yourself, let help you understand why you need it in the first place. In one of my blogs, I discuss the power of words. If you wish to be someone who wants to run the world, you need to be confident in yourself. If you want to grow in your life, socially and professionally, you need to have confidence in yourself. But of course, you need to learn there is a fine line between confidence and being a stubborn bull. Being confident does not mean you stop taking suggestions and advice it means having faith in yourself and the work you are doing.  Always remember self-confidence is the key to your super Saiyan mode So, what can you do to improve your self-confidence?  Answer  1) Work on your lifestyle.  One of the common reason...

How to improve your confidence in yourself?

Confidence, some people just ooze with confidence, and some people look like they could use some. If you are one of those people who could use some, you have come to the right place. Before I go ahead with the pointers on improving confidence within yourself, let help you understand why you need it in the first place. In one of my blogs, I discuss the power of words. If you wish to be someone who wants to run the world, you need to be confident in yourself. If you want to grow in your life, socially and professionally, you need to have confidence in yourself. But of course, you need to learn there is a fine line between confidence and being a stubborn bull. Being confident does not mean you stop taking suggestions and advice it means having faith in yourself and the work you are doing. 

Always remember self-confidence is the key to your super Saiyan mode

So, what can you do to improve your self-confidence? 


1) Work on your lifestyle. 

One of the common reasons for people to lack confidence is because their lifestyle does not allow them to be confident. For example, some people who sleep more than needed tend to lack the energy they need for the day resulting in doubt and sometimes slow reactions to things. Now, it does not necessarily mean that every human being needs to follow one particular lifestyle for improving themselves, it all depends on person to person. So, figure out what lifestyle fits for you and work towards that life. 

2) Exercise 

Now, whatever your lifestyle may be, try squeezing in a little work out in it. It does not have to be like a 20min workout, just 10-15 pushups in the morning would do the job. When you do this every day in the morning you will feel a good change in yourself. 

3) Find time for what you love

Now, this might sound a little vague as a point but hear me out, what I mean by the point is for you to find time for what makes you happy. If you like anime or movies find time for that, or if you are in a relationship and the other person makes you happy for time for him or her. It does not mean you have to do it every day, just do it when you can but do it. 

4) Study up on characters that are full of confidence, but don't be them 

One of the things that personally helped me was to understand how characters like Tony Stark, Sherlock Holmes,  Dr. House, etc. The important thing is not to be like them. They have their pros and cons, pick on the pros, and your mix to it. 

5) Learn to question 

I once read a very interesting quote "If you as a question you are a fool once but, if you don't ask a question you are a fool forever" this quote speaks volumes. 

6) Work on your knowledge 

A person with confidence is usually a person with knowledge, a person with facts, or with philosophy. Learn to pick up on things like these, learn to self contemplate. Remember half-knowledge is worse than no knowledge. 

7) Be humble and polite in your tone. 

This is very important if you wish to grow. Being humble means to be assertive, yet be gentle in your tone. Being humble is not for the weak it is for the strong. 



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