Often times relationships ask for a lot of your own time, which is a good thing if you wish to grow together and learn about each other. Before I start with what I have learned over the past few years by being in a relationship and seeing relationships all around me, I wish to let you know that I strongly believe in sacrifices and a little compromise to make a relationship work. Now, that being said, I also believe 2 people who are in a relationship need to understand that they are there own individuals as well. What do you mean by that? It means to be the same person as you were before getting in a relationship, having the same dreams, still having some 'me' time.
As young adults when we land in a relationship we often get too lost in it, we try so hard to be loved and cared for we make our significant others personality and choices our own, which is alright to some extent but too much of it can be harmful to self-growth because if by a stroke of bad luck it does not work out for you finding yourself become extremely difficult. Now, that does not mean you stop paying attention or stop being involved in your significant other's life, what it means is to be involved by being yourselves, not as someone who you think would be a better person to be at the time. You will not only enjoy more but will learn how compatible you guys are. Individuality in a relationship means being your own self while being in a relationship, which is very important for growth and compatibility.
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